
Selected weekly Torah messages

Shelach Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
Beha’Alotcha/Sh’lach Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim What Would You Do if You Discovered?
Toldot/Vayetzei Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim There is Love and There is Love
Shemot/Vaera Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim The Power of the Name Moshe
Sukkot 5776 Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim Sukkot, Cain, and Abel
Beha’Alotcha Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim Moses - Simply Another Prophet?
Shemini/Tazria-Metzora Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim Purity and Impurity--A Deeper Look
Vayechi/Shemot Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim Before We Act
Vayechi/Shemot Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim The Power of a Good Ending
Devarim-Va’etchanan Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim The Ultimate Destination
Acharei Mot/Kedoshim Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim A Reasonable Demand?
Shmot/Vaera Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim Reclaiming True Life